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Eco-Friendly Decorating

"Go Green" In Your Home

You may not realize how much of your home may be harmful to you and the environment. But the wrong furnishings and paints can actually emit toxins that cause migraines, respiratory conditions and other health issues. Fortunately, by making smart choices, you can reduce your carbon footprint and ensure a healthier environment for you and your family:

Look for recycled materials that last a long time and require very little maintenance.

Consider woven wood shades. Made from renewable materials, like bamboo, grasses and jute, they can stand up to a variety of weather conditions.

Alt Text Woven wood shades are made from renewable materials.

Good For The Planet Of Our Health

Make sure your wood is sustainably sourced and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. Or, pick up reclaimed lumber from your local wood salvage yard.

Keep plants around. Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. And by soaking up toxins and pollutants, they help purify the air.

Fill mason jars with colored water and place near windows that get a lot of sun. The water absorbs heat in the daytime and releases it back out at night.

Alt Text Make sure the wood in your furniture is sustainable sourced.

Keep The Air In Your Home Clean

Avoid paints with high concentrations of VOCs (volatile organic compounds). These harmful chemicals can linger for years. Instead, chooses paints labeled low-VOC.

Use candles scented with essential oils and made from natural materials, such as beeswax or soy. Other candles may have harmful VOCs or metal wicks.

Keep in mind, some eco-friendly home improvements can earn you a tax write-off. And if you take your old materials to a reuse facility, they can be redistributed to organizations like Habitat for Humanity.

Alt Text Use candles made from natural materials.


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